Have you met Niamh?

niamh customer service agent

Have you met Niamh?

Niamh is a member of the Call Pal PA team. She also works as the main Receptionst in Gray Office Park.

We took some time to ask her a few questions?

Where are you from?

I am from a small parish called Ballyea in County Clare.

How long have you been working call pal?

I have been working with CallPal for just over one year.

What is your favourite part of your job?

I love how dynamic it is – you need to always be on your toes and can never predict any day, it’s exciting.

Tell us something people might not know but find interesting?

I am a powerlifter and competed at Nationals a few years back.

If you had one superpower what would it be?

My dream superpower would be the ability to speak every language in the world.

Has Covid changed your perception or the way you look at life?

Absolutely, it is a cliché already, but the pandemic has made me appreciate the small things in life and made me realise that life is short, to make the most of every day.

In the next year do you have any goals?

I am hoping to begin a Master’s in Education in early 2022 in the pursuit of becoming a primary school teacher! Also, I hope to pass my driving test.

What is your favourite thing to do? Work can’t be the answer 😊

I adore going to the gym, watching rugby matches and spending time with people I love.

Favourite song?

My music taste is a bit all over the place and would find it impossible to pick ten songs let alone one! I love music by DJs like Rebuke and Bicep, I adore Irish traditional music and you never beat a good 80s power ballad.

What’s your favourite book or movie?

Every time I read a book, I say that one is my favourite! A book that I am currently reading, and loving is “Thirty-Two Words for Field” by Manchán Magan. It is a book that explores the richness of the Irish language, how it is closely tied to the natural landscape and how our ancestors had a more magical way of seeing the world because of this.

What’s your spirit animal?

Due to a great relationship with my family and because I like to socialise, I would have to say elephant.